Tariq joins the lab!
We're super excited to welcome Tariq Brown to the lab as a second year graduate student in the Neuroscience Graduate Program. An official...
Tariq joins the lab!
Primo Prelim Performance!
2019 Kaun Lab Retreat
Summer undergrads present their posters
Welcome to the 2019 summer undergraduates!
Welcome baby Paolo!
Kavin presents at 2019 Neuromodulatory Mechanisms GRC
The Brown Alumni Magazine features Tyler!
Congrats Sophia, winner of the '19 John P. Donoghue Prize!
Congrats to the '19 Graduates!
Automated real-time quantification of group locomotor activity in Drosophila melanogaster
Hiring a research assistant!
Happy Holidays 2018!
To drink or Not(ch) to drink
Karla at Waterfire 9/22
On the Neural Frontier
Lab Retreat 2018
Jamie's poster @ SfN2019
Congrats Kristin!
Welcome Jamie!